WordPress Hosting

We've got you!

Whether you just want just a safe secure place to park your site, or full support and reporting with guaranteed up time – this is where you choose, activate and pay for that..

Click to purchase your WordPress website hosting

Simple Hosting Package


  • Website hosting on our fact, secure cloud based Amazon servers
  • Essential bi backups on a rolling 2 weeks calendar
  • WordPress, theme and plugin updates
  • Annual SSL


Typical Hosting Package


  • All the benefits of our Simple Hosting Package PLUS
  • Essential weekly backups on a rolling 2 weeks calendar
  • 1 hour development time for fixes or advice

Typical Hosting Package


  • All the benefits of our Simple Hosting Package PLUS
  • Essential daily backups on a rolling 2 weeks calendar
  • 2 hour development time for fixes or advice

It’s time to stand out!